Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Ignite the fire

Ignite the fire, Feed the desire,

Albeit it means, toiling for the next myr,
Cease not my child, the need is indeed dire,
To prove, to acquire, to reach levels higher,

A born winner, your goal is near,
Let nothing, your determination deter!

-- Maduri

Click here to listen to Chale Chalo from Lagaan :

Man is a social animal. Wide gamut of emotions mixed with the 60,000 million veins, countless thoughts running in the tiny winy brain and what not. It is very natural that at some point of time in life, we say " Ahh I give up. This is getting too much." " Dont feel upto anything" "Motivation is reaching its best negative peaks". This happens with everyone. Frustration , depression, lack of motivation, boredom. All these terms are related to each other to a certain extent.

Self Motivation is your genie. It is but a wonder to see how it changes the moods of a man, his perception of life, and urges him to charge at his goal. A few tips to keep the fire burning :

1) Set short term goals in life, achievable ones. This way you know , you surely can get to them with just a little more effort. This is the strong brick of our house.
2) Chart out a plan giving some leeway to unforeseen circumstances.
3) Adhere to it, feel proud about yourself, think of how organized your life is, feel excited to see yourself making small steps towards your goal.
4) When you see the fire dimming down, take a small break, but promise to come back with a bigger bang.
5) Patience thy Virtue, if your goals are big ones, dont expect them to happen overnight. This aint a fairy tale, this is your life, you gotto make it happen.
6) Think of the pleasures of your achievement.
7) If that doesnt work, dread your failure.
8) Reward yourself periodically as you progress.

Lo and Behold you are there before you realize!



Paul said...

hoiii madurii...
lonely days ??? getting very philosophical eh...but yeah, nice post indeed :)

Unknown said...

A different one, indeed.

If there is a will, there is a way.

Thanks for the tips,

right kind of goals,
plan it carefully.
strong determination,
work hard,
be patient,
be happy with progress,
if not, dread the failure,
u'll be there, eventually.

The only thing I slightly disagree with is that, "achievable goals". We set a goal, and try to achieve it. When you know that it is easily achievable, there is no room for excitement, no room for disappointment either. Anything is achievable, and like they say, "aim the sky and you won't come up with a handful of mud either."