Monday, October 29, 2007

El-Oh-Ve- Ee

Love. El -oh-Ve- Ee. What is love? The two parties in love can be one of the million things that exist in universe. My love for chocolates. A kid's love for her teddy bear. Or Abhishek Bacchan's love for Ms Rai, at the end of the day it boils down to the same emotion. Love. Just that it has different hues. Depending on the people involved. I am not going to sound cliched by talking about love between a mother and a child, or between a pet and its master. I am going to talk about love, as is understood by the younger generation, the state of perceptual anesthesia, the game of give and take, the limits of sacrifice, the moments of pleasure. Yes, the love between Eve and Adam.

Throughout my life, I have witnessed many couples make and break. Not that each story is too different from the other. But the circumstances are most certainly different. One thing is certain, anything can be forgotten. Anybody can be forgotten. Sounds rather harsh, but alas thats the way it works. I had frowned at my friend who said this to me long before. But I am beginning to see it now.

One particular couple that I want to write about. Guy was the typical one who came to college just to ogle at girls and show off that he was the coolest dude. A back bencher who would wonder what to do with answer sheets and would end up making rockets. Girl, who thought falling in love was a bigger crime than murder, extremely committed to two things : her books and Christ.
Two people with very different perceptions of life, very different goals, very different natures. It was a shock to all of us that the girl had fallen for this guy. Everyone condemned her choice . Is this why they say "Love is blind" , I questioned myself. Guy who had a double digit arrear, no aim in life whatsoever. But before we realized, her love started impacting him in a big way, he cleared his arrears. Changed the way he spoke. Changed the clothes he wore. To top it all, he graduated with a 70%. He made a job with one of the best firms in the country. My respect for her grew exponentially. I call this a 'WOW story'. Now they are happily married.

Another one: All was going on well between them, they knew it right from the beginning that it wouldnt work out considering their conservative parents. They did not stop? No they did not. Did they take efforts to convince their parents? No they did not. Do I call it not-all -that-strong -love ? or do I call it practicality- at-its-best? I am seriously confused.

My dad's opinion about love made me laugh. He called it an "arrangement". An arrangement as long as its convenient for both. If its not, then call it quits. My take on this :- In the journey of life, each one takes his path to find his treasure. On the way, he finds a beautiful rose, picks it up, admires it, loves it, but when its thorns start withering away , falling on his path, he throws it away, clears his path and moves on.

Am I sounding cynical? What do you guys think??


Tragedienne said...

I don't believe it's that simple. Life never really is Black or White. Just shades of gray.
At times, it is not just practicality that makes you give up your love, maybe its another stronger love. Love for your family , stronger than love for another maybe.
I agree with you, anyone can be forgotten, anything can be survived. It always seems impossible, but time does heal. fortunately or unfortunately, it also changes us.

Unknown said...

The most talked about subject - Love.

A beautiful, and most powerful feeling a human being can ever experience. I am not at all surprised that the guy in your story was totoally changed by his love.

The younger generation today aren't that blind when it comes to choose a partner or even a friend. They are clear about what they want and most importantly, they are practical.

You do sound cynical about it, no more comments personally on you.