Thursday, January 17, 2008

What remains..

Failure is the stepping stone for success. But success itself is the tonic for success. I feel so. A little success , a little admiration, or little appreciation acts as a powerful trigger. Holds good for everything.. doesnt it? A person desperately trying to loose pounds needs to see himself progress towards the goal. An actor needs some appreciation for him to take up more challenging roles. A student needs to do hear.. "good job!" from his parents for him to continue burning the midnight oil. And a blogger...? Needs more readers and more views posted on his blog.  I am 
extremely thankful to all my readers who have truly been
 one of my main sources of encouragement. Thanks to the new addition Vasanthi! 
Hope we have more interchange of pleasant thoughts in future!

Yet another year passes by. I hate the feeling of growing older! For some strange reason , college days seem to be too long long ago. Although its not so bad :)  As time rolls, we tend to forget our lives scene by scene. What remains are memories. How much importance do we give to them? Do we cherish them? Or do we live life by its day, do what we have to do and move on? Do we have a way of recording memories? Videos, photographs? Memories are in a way reflections of ourselves. 
What gives us most happiness, what/whom we love most etc. I have this wierd habit of looking through my Pictures folder very often. Gives me immense satisfaction, as if I am living those happy moments again. To be candid, I prefer 
hard copies of photographs anyday coz they are more  real! 
Sometimes I wish I could turn back time.. well well cant expect a Utopian world can I?
Memories need not be joyful, infact I strongly feel that sorrowful memories remain in my heart for a longer time than the joyous ones. But every memory is a lesson learnt. I think the best we could do with the not-so-happy-memories is self analysis. Understand and never repeat the same again. Ofcourse this does not apply to those sad memories which weren't under our control. This is what I have been trying to implement. Its amazing 
to find that we encounter similar situations as what we had encountered before. 
 By being aware of our previous errors,we can easily avoid Himalayan blunders, heart burns and unpleasantness uncalled for. 


Unknown said...

The blogger goes "dreamy" here...!!

This post arises a nostalgic feeling inside... Growing older is not so pleasant. The student life, friends, masti... as you said, it all seem to be ages ago... memories fade, as worries of daily life take over. Not a lot of memories stay alive, you will know that when you try to remember faces, names etc, after few years. I read somewhere that If you have to try hard to remember something, it cannot be called memory.

I think the same about hard copies of photographs, they seem more "real". But the newer version is more convenient in many ways. As you said in the last post, this is another change we all finding it needing time to adjust to.

Sad memories stays longer?? I don't think so, unless it had hurt you deeply. I think happy moments are unforgettable. We try to forget sad moments, and most of the time, we succeed. Happy moments are remembered often, mentioned often, refreshed and they stay fresh for longer; may be forever.

Memories can be helpful, if right kind of learning is done from the past experiences.

good one!

Unknown said...


about the memories, you are wrong and maduri is right. sad sorrowful memories stay for long time more than happy moments. I can never forget the day my father died. how many happy incidents you can recall? and now tell me honestly how many sad memories you can recall. I am sure sad ones will be more.
generally also, sad memories of world war, terrorist attack on the twin towers, tsunami, princess diana's death, benazir bhutto's assassination etc we all remember. How many good ones can you remember? you will have to think really hard to get atleast 4 or 5. so it is very clear that sad memories stay longer.

Unknown said...

I think happy memories will stay a lot longer than sad memories. Sad memories of incidents affected you deeply will stay. I also cannot forget the day my father died. But because of that one incident I can’t say that sad memories only stay long. I have lot of happy memories much more than sad memories, like my marriage, the day my child is born, my son’s first smile, my graduation, happy days of college etc. The incidents like tsunami will be there in peoples’ minds all the time, till the end of the world. Incidents like that cannot be considered in this issue for an argument. Here Maduri is talking about her personal memories, and not about world affairs. When you think about your personal life, you will have a lot of happy memories. It is different if you had a lot of very sad incidents happened in your life. It is very rare for something like that to happen. In particular cases it is right to say that sad memories stay longer, because they are more in numbers, more in depth. So I think happy moments will stay longer.

Unknown said...

no doubt, sad moments will stay long. simply because sad things are like a cut on your body causing wound. happy moments are like a smooth stroke. which will bother you more? which will stay long?

Unknown said...


Sad memories are like cuts on your skin? If you have a cut on your body what will you do? Treat it, try to heal it and when it heals, we even try to remove the scar with plastic surgery, to make sure that it is disappeard fully. According to your comparison, that is what happens with sad memories.

Pushpa said...

good memories and bad memories stay. it is personal choice. most of the time people like to keep the good memories alive and forget bad memories. If you don't forget the bad things, how will they move on? so, it is good memories tend to stay. even though one try to forget the bad memories, some times we wont be able to do that, it may not be in our control. those bad memories will stay.

Pushpa said...

@ aravind

exactly like you said, if the cut in your skin is deeper, it takes time to heal and always leaves a scar. that is what I was saying. If the sad memories are deeply painful, it stays for longer time, even though we don't want it to stay. but happy memories are deliberately kept alive by us. so it remain till end.

Unknown said...

when someone has a sorrowful memory which is like a painful cut, will he be able to enjoy the happy moment?

after some time the cut heals. it is that some time we are talking about. there are scars which cannot be removed. sad memories are like that.

Unknown said...

Oh my!! Oh my!!!

Could we all concentrate on the actual blog please??!!

There is no need of this "you are right she is wrong" business. There is no competition here.

Unknown said...

very nice post.
continue writing.
all the best.

Unknown said...

blog and comments are open for all to read and comment. If you are wrong, you are wrong. no point in getting annoyed when your mistakes are pointed out.

maduri, you are good. keep it up. :)

maduri said...

Thanks everyone!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting such a nice and 'feel good' blog about success....It's important for every single being to be "appreciated" for any small achievement, but then, Success needs nothing greater than a miniscule part of intelligence and loads of hard work.....this's clear...from clerk to Collector/ just need to obtain a degree, rest will be decided by our 'intensity to go along'.....