Monday, May 24, 2010


I have long been wanting to write this. I have heard many people claiming themselves to be "perfectionists". While I laud their courage to come out in the open with such a declaration, I also wonder - what is being "perfect"? Is it not subjective? A seven year old can consider his piece of art perfect, but his mother is sure to find faults. An architect may find his blue plan perfect, but the owner is sure to ask for a change or two!

I feel strongly that there does not exist "The Ultimate Perfection". It varies , rather varies widely. According to one's taste, to one's imagination, to one's desire. The ideology of perfection is similar to that of beauty. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. In the same coin, what about "Right & Wrong"? Is it really as simple as White or Black? If we were to break this world into molecules I would definetely conclude that there are more Grey molecules than white or black.

I think a little deeper as to why . Why does man have to be confused? Why can't there just be two ways of doing things - right and wrong? Why can't the impalpable be binary in this digitized world? It seems to boil down to the fact that god created man. He did not stop there. He created millions of variations of man. Not one , but millions and millions of variations that would seem greek and latin to Srinivasa Ramanujam. Not one's thoughts are exactly the same the other. Not one does look /behave exactly the same as the other.

God, if you are hearing/reading this - why did you this? Wouldn't world have been a better place to live if everyone thought alike? Everyone behaved alike? Why couldn't you have made xerox copies of your creation? As I am writing this, it almost seems like God is whispering in my ear... (or may be my rational mind) if everything were the same - how would love, hatred, jealousy, poverty, laughter, sorrow, happiness, fear ... or THE WORLD EXIST?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

True. The balance between good and bad, negetive and positive , right and wrong, happiness and sadness, is what makes the world interesting. I think there are no wrong way of doing things, but just different ways of doing things.
Enjoyed reading the post. thanks.