Sunday, November 25, 2007

A year and a half back

Its November 25 2007. Its been exactly 458 days since I came to the US. The journey of MS has been bumpy , I should say. I was looking at the Sunysb group emails sent one year back. I could feel nostalgia fill my heart and ready to burst out. All those "this is me" , "how much does this cost", "I need financial aid" , "which professor", "do I bring iron box", "lets meet" emails.. really brought tears to my eyes. I still vividly remember myself sitting through the night dissecting the SUNY SB website.. those SOP s, reco letters, marksheet copies...waaww.. I realized I have come a long way. Looking back, those moments which I had fretted and fumed about brought a smile to my face. I had a rather cute "welcome to US". My friends from undergrad brought a 'Welcome Back' balloon. I was touched. Also seniors got hot samosas for us! I reached Stony Brook at around 10 in the night. Chapin..Home Sweet Home..By far the most homely and cozy apartment complex I have ever seen..or may be because I am 1.5 yrs old here, I feel at home. Thankfully it was Fall season , so wasnt too cold. The next day bus ride to Waldbaums, I still remember bugging my senior about which brand of potatoes to buy:) And each time I would look at the price , do the math conversion to Rs in my mind and let out a small cry in shock! Hilarious, naive, intimidated.Well, it was an extraordinary experience.

You guys would think I am mad if I said there s some pleasure in pain . The times I struggled doing assignments (!? Did I? Well I would like to say so atleast :)), the times I had negative balances in my account, the times when I toiled to get an internship. It taught me a lot about the world, about how much truth lies in "Survival of the Fittest". On the whole,I am glad I came here!

Each year there are millions of students who travel to US with thousands of dreams of making it big. One message to all of them:- Its not a bed of roses here, but with lot of hard work, lot more perseverance, and a little bit of luck thrown in, it all works out well at the end. Its a happy ending story :) If it is not , then picture abhi baki hai bhai!! (Om Shanthi Om style :))

Rock on!


Krithi said...

Hey de.. have wanted to always read thru ur blog.. Finally got time :) Nice one . Keep it up .. I ve become a major fan of ur blogs now :P

Unknown said...

I started reading your first post, and it looks like I am going to read all of them now itself!! You have got that "thing" for writing, and to narrate your honest thoughts in a very interesting way. :)

This is another beautiful post, different emotions went through my mind when I read it.
You are very true about the statement of pleasure in pain. There is sometimes.
About the rupee conversion, I did that when I was new in england.:D
Your attitude is really great towards the struggle in student life. Best of luck! :-).