Sunday, September 7, 2008

What is luck?

Success tastes sweeter after him. We combat with him everyday. We also become stronger as he becomes an integral part of our lives. Before puzzling the readers anymore, his name is "struggle". Now guys you would want to scoff at me for categorizing struggle as masculine. That's unintentional however.

Nothing comes easy. From a cup a caffeine at Starbucks to cracking the IAS. Nothing really comes easy. But does it ever deter us from trying? does it ever stop us from fighting? No. According to me, there are a lot of factors behind this relentless struggle to struggle with struggle. One, it is in our blood to do so. If man needs something, he does everything to get it. Now whether cosmos lends him a helping hand is a different issue altogether. Nevertheless, he tries. Two, as days pass by , his desire to achieve, to conquer, to enjoy, to seek happiness grows. It becomes the trigger to tireless effort.

Well, I dont wish to discuss how life is a struggle all the time, or how it is really survival of the fittest. This is something different, something more positive than hardships. Albeit man tries hard, there is a point of time when he is not able to push himself further. That is precisely the time, your desires turn to reality. I am not claiming this happens all the time. But with me, it has happened quite a few times. Its a great feeling when your reality embraces you rather than hit you hard , right? It was just another day at work, I was getting back home pretty late, and I was beat. Totally. I dragged myself to walk to the elevator. Usually there is a huge rush at the elevator, and it takes some time to get free again. So people rush to the elevator. But this time, it was beyond me.. as I dragged myself , I saw people running past me to get to the open elevator. My mind instructed me to run too, but my legs cheated on me. Succumbing to the circumstance, I decided to let go and wait for a couple more minutes to get on to the next coach. But to my surprise, someone in the lift was holding the lift open because she heard some footsteps. I was overjoyed. It may be a really small thing, but I tend to read into it a lot. I look for signs from God. The lady in the coach was God for me at that time. What do I call this, luck? Or coincidence? Or is coincidence happening at the opportune moment called luck? Or am I just over pondering ? I dint know. All I knew was , I was tired, and someone helped me.

Another incident that took me by surprise was, when me and my friend traveled to another city to do some shopping. I should admit, not only shopping, but also hogging at the great Saravana Bhavan. when I was in chennai, I used to consider it boring to eat at HSB. Ah and now!
We got off at the train station and realized to our dismay that it would be impossible to walk on highways! seriously, there was no pavement, we walked on a thin strip of edge on the sides of the road. To top this, we dint know the way to HSB. We walked through forest like places, small mountains, bed of stones and what not. Asking every person on the road the path to our destination. We would have walked atleast 1/2 a mile, when we reached a deserted mall building. Some shops were sealed, while others were closed. It was not a pretty sight at all! I began to moan and my friend was trying to quiten me , when we spotted "Hotel Saravana Bhavan" next to the sealed shops. I let out a cry of was joy as that of mountaineers reaching the peak of the mountain. The difference? Mountaineers know how to get there. But we did not. we just happened to land at the right place! Aint that great? And the rest is history.. we hogged...and hogged...and hogged...finally ended it with sweet pan.

Conclusion? sometimes god says to man : " my dear man, here is what you want . Enjoy! ". And he makes our day :)