Tuesday, July 15, 2008

This is New York City baby!

I love NYC : Apart from the fact that you find many T-shirts saying this, there is absolute truth in it. I love NYC and I can say this a zillion times to any human hailing from the West Coast. Alright , WC has great weather , and tonnes of other goodies.. but NYC is FUN. Nothing can beat it. Its also stress and whole load of other things which appear miniscular against the mammoth fun element. Truly the city that never sleeps, it has all kinds of people doing all kinds of things at all times. Anyone living in and around NYC would agree with me.
Out of all the never ending list of NYC s charms, what fascinates me, will continue to fascinate me is the energy of the people that walk on the streets. Just a very simple observation: At about 8.15 AM , observe the way people get to work, the pace at which they walk. Its fast. Really fast. Fast enough that you run a risk of being "run over" by another 2 legged creature. You are sure to be caught unawares when you discover that you walk at the same pace too! Time ticks faster in this lovely city. For people who enjoy fast lives, its a treat.
I was flipping through my notes from long ago when I found this poem that I wrote ,during a rather "interesting" class... :

Buzzling streets and flashing lights
Sweetened nuts and subway bites
Black, white, brown and red
Emily, Chang, Vishal and Fred
Thousand feet scurrying towards rat holes
Immortal trains , police patrols
A race that truly has no winner
A land of faster clocks, busier people that party harder
Money works and people dream pretty
Welcome to the "New York City"!

Have a great week ahead.